WONG v. allstate insurance


Mrs. Wong was walking in a cross-walk in Oakland when she was hit by a careless driver.  She suffered a closed head injury, a fractured eye socket and multiple fractured ribs.  The careless driver paid his policy limit of $50,000. 

Fortunately for Mrs. Wong, she had Underinsured Motorist insurance (UM) thru her insurance company, Allstate Insurance.  (UM protects you when the other driver has insufficient insurance to pay for your injuries.) 

We proceeded to make a claim against Allstate for the damages caused by the careless driver.  Allstate offered Mrs. Wong $314,000 prior to the Arbitration, which we advised was too low.  This case proceeded to Binding Arbitration.

The Arbitrator awarded Mrs. Wong $401,500.

The total recover for Mrs. Wong:

  1. The careless driver paid $37,647.54 directly to Mrs. Wong.
  2. The careless driver paid $12,352.46 to Medicare to cover Ms. Wong's medical  bills.
  3. Allstate paid $401,500.

Total Recovery:  $450,000.00

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